Looking to connect with others outside this winter? Here are a few cool communities you can join.

Edmonton Nature Club

The Edmonton Nature Club is an educational group which offers a wide variety of opportunities for members and the community to come explore, learn about, and enjoy nature in the Edmonton area and around Alberta. Join us for birding, botany and bugs! Note: Most ENC programs are delivered for adults, however some local nature walks are suitable for families with younger children.

Edmonton Outdoor Club

The Edmonton Outdoor Club brings people together in a fun, friendly and inviting atmosphere. It’s free to join, and adults of all abilities are encouraged to take part. The club offers regular outdoor activities year-round, as well as social and special events.

Edmonton Trail Community

Founded in 2014, the Edmonton Trail Community is for outdoor explorers of every age and every ability who like to chase adventures together. We run, we hike, we bike, we ski, we snowshoe. If it’s in the Great Outdoors, we’re there. Every person. Every pace. Not just about the run.

Trail Treasure Hunt: Search for trail treasures in Edmonton’s river valley with family and friends or on your own! The trails are snow-covered with varied terrain, so hiking boots or trail shoes are recommended. This is a self-directed activity – use the maps on the group’s website to choose your adventure! All routes start and end at the Wolf Willow Starbucks.

River Valley Revenge: Check the website for this year’s Adventure Series list, including the Winter Revenge.

Ice Tennis League

Tennis on ice?! Yes! Join the world’s first Ice Tennis League. Bring your own skates or borrow a set of cleats from the league. Watch the group’s social media for event details.

Let’s Bike There YEG

Started by a group of Edmonton moms using cargo bikes to carry kids/groceries/whatever, Let’s Bike There YEG is a group for people biking for the everyday! Check out their website for monthly playground meet-ups and special events.

November Project

November Project Canada meets for FREE, fun and challenging workouts. But mainly, they are a smile factory that could change your life. Join the tribe!

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 am sharp. Locations vary.

Polar Patio Club

Join this intrepid group downtown for a drink on a winter patio! Keep an eye on @PolarPatioClub on Twitter to find out where and when the next event will be held.


This group of cross-country ski enthusiasts hits the trails in and around their neighbourhoods. They work with community leagues and the City to make local groomed trails a possibility. Check them out on Facebook, and watch for their next tracksetters’ BrewSki night!

YEG Coffee Outside

Ride your bike in the morning? Be a part of the coolest coffee club and connect with others over lively conversation. BYO coffee, tea or hot chocolate – or impress the others and brew it there on a camp stove!

Most Fridays 7-9 am. Locations vary, but usually Ezio Farone Park.

Honourable Mention

Long John Index Service of Canada

Alas, the long johns have been hung up, but you can still access this fun, non-scientific website. Historical weather reports range from Level 1 (long johns not needed) to Level 5 (wear them indoors!). Look at winters past and decide how you should dress for the day.