Maybe you’ve thought about riding a bike in winter? Go for it this year! There are lots of winter cycling enthusiasts near and far to help you with tips. Be part of the culture shift and extend your cycling habits. And the forecast says: Cleared conditions for riding your bike on the new bike grids this winter!
Let us know how you’re pedalling in the snow. @wintercityyeg #yegbike
City of Edmonton’s Winter Cycling Resources
Visit the City’s Winter Cycling website to find practical tips on gear, routes and clothing for winter cycling.
Winter Cycling Inspiration
Read our blog, Advice on Winter Biking: Just Do It!, about local winter cyclists Molly, Karen, and Glenn.
Watch this City of Edmonton Winter Cycling Video showcasing Edmontonians Pete, Nicole, Jane, and Thom, and their winter cycling journeys.
Daryl Ostopowich also shares his reasons for switching his commute to by bike in this City of Edmonton video, Sustainable Transportation Winter Cycling.
Cycling in a Winter Wonderland is a collection of stories from cyclists who stopped by the City’s 2024 Winter Bike to Work Day hot chocolate stand. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for a video!
Bike Edmonton
Bike Edmonton (Formerly Edmonton Bicycle Commuters Society) runs BikeWorks North and South, where you can learn how to repair your own bike and use their workshop and tools. They also offer lots of bike-related events across the city, including rides, courses, films, sales, and other events on our calendar. Watch the website for winter cycling courses! You can follow them on Facebook and Twitter, too.
Visit Bike Edmonton for the winter 2024-25 WinterCity Studded Tire Challenge!
Paths for People
Paths for People is a YEG-based non-profit dedicated to better infrastructure for people on bikes and on foot. Walk. Bike. Live. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
YEG Coffee Outside
Ride your bike in the morning? Be part of the coolest coffee club and connect with others over lively conversation. This group meets Friday mornings, usually at Ezio Faraone Park on the north side of the High Level Bridge. Check the Twitter account @coffee_outside for details. And BYO coffee, tea, or hot chocolate.
Winter Cycling Federation
The Winter Cycling Federation’s vision is ‘winter cycling for everyone’, and their mission is to create opportunities for inspiration, research and collaboration. They help cities and countries around the world learn what it takes to develop, implement and maintain bicycle-focused transportation systems year-round.