Explore Edmonton’s winter wonderland on snowshoes!
Snowshoeing is a traditional mode of transportation for Canadian Indigenous Peoples, and remains one of the best and most practical ways to travel on deep snow. Snowshoeing provides transportation for exploring and wildlife viewing, and it’s just plain old good winter fun.
Most city trails are packed down, but snowshoes perform best in areas that are more open and off the beaten track. Here are a few suggestions for places to snowshoe in and around Edmonton. And if you happen to come across cross-country ski trails in your travels, please be courteous and stay off them.
Good Snowshoeing Locations in Edmonton
- Around the John Janzen Nature Centre and Fort Edmonton Park
- Mill Woods Park
- Rundle Park
- Northeast River Valley Park
Other Parks For Snowshoeing
- Borden Park
- Capilano Park
- Coronation Park
- Emily Murphy Park
- Gold Bar Park
- Hermitage Park
- Jackie Parker Park
- Terwillegar Park
- Victoria Park
- Whitemud Park
- William Hawrelak Park
Snowshoe Rentals & Tours
See our Equipment Rentals page for snowshoe rental locations.
See the river valley on snowshoes with River Valley Adventures! They offer rentals and tours from Louise McKinney Park. See their Adventures page for details.
Good Snowshoeing Locations Close to Edmonton
Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area / 60 km east of Edmonton
Elk Island National Park (Amiskwuche and Lakeview trails recommended) / 48 km east of Edmonton. See our Events page for details about the Snowshoe and Stargaze tours at Elk Island Park.
Strathcona Wilderness Centre / 16 km east of Edmonton
Northeast River Valley Park in Edmonton!